Woods puts down first shot in tournament in Bahamas


Woods puts down first shot in tournament in Bahamas

Written by Staff Writer Lauren Goode Tiger Woods took his first swings with a golf club in months at an unofficial pro-am event on Thursday, in his first video since his car accident over…

Italy shuts another major meat lab as crisis worsens


Italy shuts another major meat lab as crisis worsens

By Perugia Police Spokesman Riccardo Magi, for CNN • Published 14th August 2020 A third laboratory in Perugia is shutting down in the wake of the biggest contamination scare Italy has ever faced. Officials…

US military launches three hypersonic missiles


US military launches three hypersonic missiles

Image copyright NASA Image caption The hypervelocity suborbital vehicle reached an altitude of 855 miles, according to a mock-up of the test vehicle in a pre-launch presentation The US military has successfully launched three…

Real IRA linked to House intelligence committee subpoena


Real IRA linked to House intelligence committee subpoena

A “counter-terrorism” group has been subpoenaed by Republican staff on the investigative committee of the House of Representatives. The group is associated with the Real IRA, which is legally designated as a terrorist organisation…